05 May 2006

Just Think A Little...

Welcome, reader, to my new blog -- Just Think A Little. I'm getting in on the ground floor - only the 1,328,934,001st person to blog on the Internet. Congratulations to me.

Now that self-congratulations are out of the way, I'd like to introduce you to what this blog is.

This blog is a place where I will discuss issues in my life that I observe or am involved in. It is a place where I will discuss world events, ranging from politics to media to everything else. I hope to inspire conversation and - there it is - thought. Note that there will be a lot of opinion here, and, sadly, I am not always correct. So please, comment away, even if you have only a few words to contribute. The blog will likely evolve and change over time - this is expected, and this is desirable.

A few simple rules: If you'd like to link here, do so. In return, I'd appreciate your linking back to me. If you'd like to publish a snippet of my thoughts, or a post in its entirety - by all means, do so - thought is to be shared and spread - but please credit and link to me. All text posted by me on this blog is my Copyright. I reserve all rights to it, and reserve the right to revoke any use of my content that I deem inappropriate. If you wish to use my content for commercial purposes (beyond quoting in a news story or another blog), please contact me first at exsententiaveritas@gmail.com.

The title of this blog was derived from the title of a book written by a man named Tim Stryker, who was a visionary technologist in the mid 1980s through the mid 1990s, who did things with computers that should have, at the time, been completely impossible, and who died long before his time. He consistently considered ways to apply technology to democracy - how to eliminate overhead, oversight, and government interference in it. In short, he championed Superdemocracy - a concept ahead of its time, and Incentivism. He published a book entitled Think A Little - published by Cool Hand Communications (ISBN: 1-56790-025-9) - which is sadly long out of print, but worth finding. It encapsulates much of what I believe and will try to get across here - that ideas, no matter how out there are worth pursuing and considering - and you don't have to agree with everything, as long as you think about it.

Thank you for reading. I hope you come back often.

Ex Sententia Veritas


At 11:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow was this the Major BBS Tim?


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